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Our Director



Christine Wittmann



My 32nd Anniversary in Mary Kay in this beautiful company ~I love my job!


Happy moments, PRAISE GOD. Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.

Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. Painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD.


  These past 32 years in Mary Kay have been so exhilarating, filled with so much personal growth & Overcoming triumphs, so many new friends, new customers, new team members, and many memories to last a lifetime & This year MY Business expanded into a new Office & 2nd home in Scottsdale Arizona with so many new friendships and many customers . I LOVE what I do!!!

  My 2 Mary Kay children~ growing up in Mary Kay from babies to

A Smart ,Handsome loving entrepreneur 21 year old ~Chase and a handsome, very talented and smart caring college Graduate Business man 26 year old ~Austin. My schedule has allowed me to be there for them from babies until now. I would never change a minute of it for anything. You see I was there from every Doctors appoint- ment to every Hospital stay, for every school concert, and every morning and after- noon when they left for school and came home for a snack. For every chorus concert to baseball or sports event...only because I can and only because every mom would want too. I have missed a few things along the way by choice and that choice has given us the life we have today along with the opportunity to take off when is needed. You see, I believe my boys will remember ALL the times I was there, not the times I wasn’t. For it is in the times I chose to work, It enable me to take those times when I could not work to take off without worrying about a pay loss or losing my job. It was the times I chose to work that showed my children dedication to my job and to our family. It also has abled us to afford to pay for college and teach our sons how to pay the other half by working hard and being debt free as they graduate ....hard work ethics pay off and watching us being an example shows them what we can do when we put our minds to it .

The positive energy that surrounds us from this opportunity has taught my children so many things. You think that you are not ever showing your children examples and life lessons, but it is those “day to day” things that are “caught” in what we do, that make a difference in their lives.

How to ~~keep going in face of diversity, to get back up and make that goal happen even though it may not have happen the first time. To breathe belief into others

always even when you are doubting yourself or going through a difficult ime your- self ~ to think positive and BLESS others

To wake up daily and use your God given talents every day ~because God gave them to YOU and what you do with them will please Him & pass on his love ~~
Using my STORY for his GLORY

To love always. To give, because giving is an easy gift , yet all it takes is TIME. To rise above every time you fall, no matter what the circumstance. To call upon God for abun- dance of Blessings and abundance of healings and also to just thank him for where we are at and what he has done for us~~each and every day.

This opportunity has given me many things....many Diamonds, 16 cars, many opportuni- ties, and an awesome income to pay for many things along the way...even though I thank God for all he has given me ...the most important things I have gained from this company are these: CHOICES

The time to HEAL 100%from an accident ~ Celebrating this 7 year anniversary!! And time for an unexpected circumstance or just family time or ME time.
The self-esteem and belief in myself that I never have had
Growth in myself and my family

Many, many new friends that I will always cherish

An opportunity not only to be that “seed" for others but to make them feel great about themselves....because when we feel great about ourselves , we can give back to others.

An opportunity to change lives...whether at a nursing home, helping others with time & love to get through cancer, giving thousands of cancer patients a gift of “hope”,

a new customer a beautiful look to make her feel special, to just listening to someone to get them through a difficult time or giving someone a chance to change their life for the better & Bring LOVE & JOY to all I meet

To help women overcome their circumstances by growing in Gods love and being His hands and Feet in all we do ..Our National area will represent Bringing women closer to knowing his love and sharing that with countless others ~Passing it on~~~

You see, Mary Kay is soo much more than Makeup and Pink Cadillacs...even though it is FUN, my life and the lives that I am able to touch and have touched ~are PRICELESS!!!

To my wonderful husband and best friend. I love you and adore you ...thank you for letting me be “ME” and helping me grow each and every day. Your support and love have given me my wings to keep grow- ing.

To my unit, Dee VanRyzin and my NSDE Nancy Moser for Mentoring me

...I love my Job and would not be in Mary Kay for 32 years without each and every one of you~~I love you so much! Thank you for this ongoing wonderful journey~

To my beautiful offspring Directors ...Thank you for being in my life always & leading others to lead, love amd empower ~~you are the best!

To all my family~~The Wittmanns and Hoheisels ~I love you all so much!

To YOU my customer...YOU make my business successful by giving me the chance to share our fantastic #1 product and fo0r being a very special part of my life!!

May God bless you abundantly and always as he has me~ Christine



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