Christine's Training
💫🔑First Facial ~Key points ~ Christine’s
"View Only" Notes
Fill out “ profile “ for each customer ~ name address and questions
Download the skin analyzer app ~
Send Skin Analyzer App pic for them to go download
Make sure they take a picture of the “products” not results & text it ASAP to you ~ went over this before
Tell them
“this is a biometric skin of their skin that Mary Kay has that customized their skincare products & shows what their skin is thirsting for and customized their spa session
And if you haven't done this go ahead and do it yourself
Your customers will be so happy that this app is telling them what they need so when they have Appointment
they will fall in love with their skin with the results from the skin care we are showing them💛💛💛
✨This Builds trust & excitement and fulfills a need & value in their life
Therefore they want to try the products and show up at the spot as they are Intriqued
🔑Take a 5 x 7 index card staple to profile
~Add PRODUCTS that the APP Suggest on the index card left side
~Add all products
right side of index card That they are trying that day ,
~circle what you shared Or showed on hand
HAVE ALL products in front of them & all ready when they come for their facial
Also this index card is for notes you will be taking-
~what they talk about in their personal life
~what they love the best ~samples you gave them
~date for check up facial …YOUR GOLD INFORMATION CARD✔️
Set up ~ for facial
“New consultant section “
Have everything ready for them to walk in
washcloths wet
eye remover on cotton ball
a pretty display ~chocolate & water.
Your phone charged for pics
During appt
~ at your second check up facial I will be going over how your skin care feels & see & hear about your beautiful results
check on your products with you personally
or option 2 ~you can book it with a friend & share your check up facial so she can feel how you do & you will receive ———— from me
Can you imagine your skin feeling like this everyday
Complement time~
What do you LOVE BEST about how your skin feels and looks?
Closing ~
Remember the FIRST PERSON who speaks LOOSES….
ASK~ (not yes or no questions)
~What do you feel & notice about your skin tonight
~What product did you love love the best?
~What do you have to have to take home today that your skin cannot live without
…..Then add on products that she liked and remember the foundation / setting powder is the finishing set of the skin care
Find a way to help them take their products home
If needed
Offer payment plan 2 pmts
1/2 down
Or 3 pmts if larger
write sales ticket,
collect payments
THEN …after complete sale
Book a re check up facial
To check back on their products and if they would like to bring a friend or two they can turn it into a class and they can earn credit and try advance GLAMOUR and check on their skin care OF just girl time painting and prime
Always customers service in
3 days
3 weeks
3 months
ADD all customers to ..I’ll share examples to say & ask in a. Fun way ⬇️⬇️
1. “Beauty at Home & on the go “
Our AREA Fb group to see all those latest tips and tricks , new debit products and lives that we have!!!
2. “Preferred customer program “
let them know they are a VIP customer receiving a catalog four times a year
3. Your personal Fb page
4. Passing on Pink passion
When I was sharing that” it just fits “did it intrigue you enough to hear more?
I am so excited I’m stepping up in a management and part of my training is to share with 10 sharp women this Mary Kay oppt at no obligation ….I think you’d be great because you’re an executive woman and I respect you for that
I would love your opinion
And the best part is you will be in this amazing trying and you will have a $40 gift certificate for sharing your opinion with me
Send her to
“ passing on pink possibilities “
and ask her to watch my videos
Share ~after viewing
~we would love her intelligent opinion
~we will ask her some fun questions about herself
~that will help her know more about the MaryKay culture & the company she is buying from
Share with her know the qualities WHY you think she would be great at this opportunity
… when might be a time that you’d be able to watch this video that I can get your opinion with my mentor and ask you a few powerful questions about yourself and what your thoughts are on this opportunity ?
I so appreciate you!
✅TAKE Before. During and after
Shows results, shows their having fun.
Share with them after
~after results they SEE on camera
This Builds your portfolio
Save these pictures On phone In a album “ portfolio
It’s cool to share with customers
Share on FB if given permission WITH pics , beautiful descriptions of them & their thoughts of skincare , what they used & tag them
Why ?
It shows all of their friends what they are doing & using
It shows all of your friends you are ACTIVE in your MaryKay
Cleanser ~
Mask ~during the mask explain products then
SHARE “it just flyer”
( example under recruiting ~ what ti highlight on this sheet & share
& Voxer on HOW to share it
Be the BEST
for best results
BOOK 3 classes back to back
I do ~ 2 classes
You do 1 Class I help you ~ YOU show me
60/40 go over with Christine
ORDER ASAP after class .. WHY ?
This Keeps products coming in as products are going out & your inventory always at the sans level
You never have to worry about running out
Do your weekly summary sheet every Sunday , submit to me …why ?
It shows you what your results are
It shows a total week by week of your facials , classes & re orders ~ ADDS it in the computer for a YEAREND TOTAL
For me
You get recognition
It shares with me what you gave done also what you may need help with ( section to share what you need help with
& shows possible recruits
Send me a “detailed” VOXER …results ….
What you rocked out
what you could tweak and do better next time
the description of the people there
who is your next recruit
how many sales you had
How many bookings
Samples gave out
Have fun.
Love what your doing while your learning each step
It’s ALL about them ~ not you
Get into them ~ ask questions about them ~
Let go of YOU & leave everything at the door & let go
& SEE the miracles happen